Gifts of Stock & Mutual Funds


Gifts of Stock and Appreciated Securities

When you gift stocks and other securities, 你不用直接从你的银行账户里取钱就能产生巨大的影响. Plus, 你和美国心脏协会都不会对你捐赠的增值资产的收益征税.

Meet your giving goals, enjoy potential tax benefits, 并为美国心脏协会的使命做出贡献. That’s a triple-win.

The American Heart Association works with FreeWill,让你更容易捐赠股票和其他证券.


  • You may receive immediate income tax savings.
  • 你也许可以避免因增值股票而缴纳资本利得税.
  • When you give appreciated stocks directly to charity, 你的礼物可以多出20%,因为你可以避免出售和捐赠现金所产生的税收.
  • 股票礼物很容易转移使用我们的平台由FreeWill提供动力.
  • 对增值证券的捐赠,可以在协会的使命中指定为特定的基金或目的.

How it works

  1. Select which securities to donate

    你需要你的经纪公司名称、账号、股票名称和你想捐赠的股票数量. 捐赠人在捐赠持有超过一年的增值股票时,通常会获得最大的税收优惠. Please contact your brokerage if you have any questions.

  2. Submit a request to transfer the securities

    Use our free, secure, 以及保密的在线工具,可以在短短十分钟内完成必要的表格. 通过DocuSign安全地在线提交,或选择自己打印和邮寄完成的表格.

  3. We receive your gift

    Your stock is transferred to the American Heart Association. 一旦完成,你会收到一份礼物市场价值的纳税确认.

Ready to get started?

Make a Gift of Stock Online
older Asian woman looking at a laptop sitting at her desk
您可以在短短十分钟内完成您的礼物并支持我们的使命. Our free, secure, 和保密的在线工具通过自由意志引导你一步一步地完成这个过程.
Make a Gift of Stock By Phone or Mail
Older black man smiling talking on the phone outside
如果你以前捐赠过股票,并且熟悉这个过程, 访问美国心脏协会的经纪和DTC信息.
Start a Gift as a Financial Advisor
Older couple sitting with financial planner at a table
你是代表你的慈善客户工作的财务顾问吗? 使用此工具代表您的客户请求证券转让.

Resources to Help Make Your Gift


Donor Spotlight: Patti and Joe Brayton

Patti and Joe Brayton

帕蒂·布雷顿(Patti Brayton)感到骄傲的是,他的父亲是一位著名的心脏病专家. 她亲眼目睹了他30多年来在芝加哥郊外的社区提供的惊人的个人护理. After losing her mother as a teenager, 帕蒂从小就作为父亲的“女伴”参加心脏病学活动," so she has always felt at home in a ballroom. 当她的丈夫乔与他人共同创办了一家公司,为心脏移植患者和充血性心力衰竭(CHF)患者提供药物时,她与心脏问题的联系变得更加紧密。. 帕蒂的父亲最终死于慢性心力衰竭,她和乔开始积极支持当地的美国心脏协会,以纪念他. “通过回馈和争取他人的心来纪念他,感觉很好, the way he had for so many decades," said Patti. After her retirement, 帕蒂把她的注意力转向了达拉斯Cotes du Coeur晚会, helping raise lifesaving funds through its silent auction. 她和乔变得非常活跃,他们被邀请主持活动. 他们主持了2022年的晚会,并帮助使晚会获得了售罄的成功,筹集了5美元.为美国心脏协会捐赠了500万美元.

At the same time they were planning for the event, 帕蒂和乔以另一种方式把他们对美国心脏协会的支持带到了新的高度——通过大量的股票捐赠. The timing was perfect and it just made sense. 这对夫妇几年前购买了这只股票,看着它的价值起起伏伏. 有时他们想卖掉它——他们最初的投资已经增值了十倍多——但税收会使出售变得不太有利可图.

"People don't think about tax implications," Patti said. "But if you give it away, nonprofits benefit. 如果你在股票上赚了很多钱,需要免税,那就去做吧." For Patti and Joe, 股票礼物是一种完美的方式,可以把一笔小额的初始投资转化为他们心中的非营利组织,并产生积极的影响. As the Braytons say, "This is good for everybody!"

Additional Information

See How this Gift Can Cost You Less

For example, you purchased stock 5 years ago for $1,000. Between the date you purchased the stock and today, that stock has increased in value from $1,000 to $5,000. 这种价值的增加通常被称为资本利得. If you transfer stock as a gift to the association today, you may be potentially making a $5,000 gift that only costs you $1,000.

For More Information

如果你对慈善捐赠股票或其他有价证券的好处有任何疑问, please email [email protected] or call 888-227-5242.